
Les Miz




What I Think...


UGS con't



Pics 2

Who am I...

How It All Got Started



Meos's Potpourri Bag on the Web


^_^ Bienvenu, mes amis! Welcome to Meos's Potpourri Bag on the Web. Click the links on the left to go where you wanna go and do what you wanna do. As hostess, I hope you enjoy your stay, and if you want to leave me a message, don't be afraid to visit my Forum Message Board. If you wish, you can e-mail me at Maia_Meoskite@yahoo.com. ^_^ Thanks, and enjoy!

A note: This is my attempt to cheat the website companies and have a free website (we're broke). Unfortunately, these things come in a prescribed format, and yes, I realize some texts might be a little off, especially near pictures, and ads pop up out of nowhere. Although I'm sure the ads are nothing new, I regret I can't help the rest. Also, I might not have enough space to add some things I want, such as a few more links and more pictures. Again, I can't do much. I'm afraid this site is doomed to simpleness. But, if something is REALLY bugging you, let me know, and I might be able to fix it. ^_^ Thanks!

Another note: I do not own the things I do not own... Except, those few pathetic things I *do* own, which I'd like for you not to take without permission. Merci. Actually, take the pics if you want, I don't mind. Just be wary, if you take my prose and poetry, I'll turn into a freaky devil thing and hunt you down, and perform freaky acts of torture upon your flesh and soul until you rot into a morbid corpse.

Belive me, my boyfriend's seen me do it.

You are poor soul # to encounter Meos's potpourri bag since October 5, 2002. Smells pretty, don't it? ^_~

Some may ask, "Why potpourri?" Well, that's because I'm a weirdo, and my "obssessions" meter is working overtime. Not that I mind. ^_^ Click the links on the left to go wherever you want to go.

(Ah, no, the references to potpourri are not to the fragrance kind (they can be if you want to see it that way ^_^); potpourri can mean "beaucoup des choses," a combination of miscillaneous things.)

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This is me!
(Really, it's Mina, aka Sailor Venus, from Sailor Moon, but if I ever cosplayed as her, it wouldn't be too hard; we look so much alike!)
(My friends would say we have the same quirks too... We're such klutzes!)